1,615 research outputs found

    Vanessa Lopez - Family Ties: Exploring Familial Relationships for Individuals with a Felony Conviction

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    This qualitative study explores the difficulties released prisoners and their families encounter through the reintegration process. The reentry process into society is a challenge for both released prisoners and their families to overcome, since the social stigma of a criminal conviction creates barriers. The challenging component of the social stigma essentially prevents individuals with a criminal conviction from sustaining themselves financially and finding a place to live. Besides the stress of overcoming the barriers of judgments created by society; many of these individuals have to face the rejection of their children, partners, and extended kinship groups. Existing literature has focused on how families provide help and assistance to released prisoners without recognizing ways in which families can also be harmful. Little is known about how gender shapes the ways in which individuals experience the reentry process with their families. This study, which includes 30 in-depth interviews of Milwaukee residents, explains that both genders maintain a different relationship with their children. Women who are ex-convicts can quickly reintegrate themselves into their children’s life because they did not lose contact with their children while incarcerated. Unlike women, a role reversal was seen amongst the men and their children. The results demonstrated that men were not fulfilling their role as a parent. Instead, children were the individuals caring out the paternal role. Additionally, the study demonstrates that families can provide financial, emotional and motivational support. However, relationships with family members can also adversely impact an individual’s reentry in a negative way.https://epublications.marquette.edu/mcnair_2013/1013/thumbnail.jp

    An infrastructure for building semantic web portals

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    In this paper, we present our KMi semantic web portal infrastructure, which supports two important tasks of semantic web portals, namely metadata extraction and data querying. Central to our infrastructure are three components: i) an automated metadata extraction tool, ASDI, which supports the extraction of high quality metadata from heterogeneous sources, ii) an ontology-driven question answering tool, AquaLog, which makes use of the domain specific ontology and the semantic metadata extracted by ASDI to answers questions in natural language format, and iii) a semantic search engine, which enhances traditional text-based searching by making use of the underlying ontologies and the extracted metadata. A semantic web portal application has been built, which illustrates the usage of this infrastructure

    From Stage to Screen: The Art of the Movie Musical

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    In this article I take a deeper look into what it takes to make a successful movie musical. When sound was introduced into the movie industry, it was musicals that stole the show. From 1927’s first talkie, The Jazz Singer, to 2021’s movie rendition of Dear Evan Hansen, movie musicals have been a key component of the movie industry. Throughout this article I will be comparing the success of two different kinds of movie musicals. The first type that I will be analyzing are the movie musicals that were written and produced directly for the screen. This includes movies such as La La Land, The Greatest Showman, as well as Enchanted. The second type that I will be comparing are those that were originally staged musicals that were then translated to the screen. This includes musicals such as Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, and In the Heights. Along with this I will take a deeper dive into the screenwriting that is involved within this process and how certain key elements that enthrall audiences are either enhanced or neglected. I will utilize the analysis given from several great screenwriters, such as Blake Snyder and Erik Bork, to compare the straight screenplay to the musical screenplay and how the aspects within the musical screenplay either align or diverge from these famous processes

    Ontology selection: ontology evaluation on the real Semantic Web

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    The increasing number of ontologies on the Web and the appearance of large scale ontology repositories has brought the topic of ontology selection in the focus of the semantic web research agenda. Our view is that ontology evaluation is core to ontology selection and that, because ontology selection is performed in an open Web environment, it brings new challenges to ontology evaluation. Unfortunately, current research regards ontology selection and evaluation as two separate topics. Our goal in this paper is to explore how these two tasks relate. In particular, we are interested to get a better understanding of the ontology selection task and filter out the challenges that it brings to ontology evaluation. We discuss requirements posed by the open Web environment on ontology selection, we overview existing work on selection and point out future directions. Our major conclusion is that, even if selection methods still need further development, they have already brought novel approaches to ontology evaluatio

    Black Infant Deaths Point to Flaw in U.S. Health Care System

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    In a recent interview on The Daily Show, TV host Jon Stewart asked Fox political commentator Bill O’Reilly: “Does white privilege exist?” O’Reilly denied the existence of white privilege but conceded that as a collective, blacks carry more of a burden than whites

    Sagging Pants Does Not Equate to Sagging Values

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    I teach a class in the DeVos Sport Business Management graduate program at the For years I’ve debated the issue of people wearing sagging pants with anyone who cared to listen. I’ve hesitated to speak publicly for fear people would think I was condoning the style of dress. For the record, I believe style is a matter of personal expression

    An Ecological Analysis Of Social And Economic Influences On Black And White Infant Mortality Risk In Orange County, Fl

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    Black health disparities are a salient public health issue with blacks in every socioeconomic level at a greater health disadvantage than their white counterparts. In particular, disparity in infant mortality rates between blacks and whites have widened in recent decades to differentials never before experienced in the United States. Social ecologists investigating the myriad of individual and environmental risk factors have failed to fully account for the persistent differential. This study examines the relationships between individual and environmental influences on the health risk experienced by blacks, whites, as well as the differential between the two populations. This multi-level analysis was conducted using five-year aggregate data centering on the 2000 decennial census (1998 - 2002) as the most recent census data available. During the study period, the 193 census tracts in Orange County, Florida, experienced 504 infant deaths which included 242 black and 241 white infant deaths. Using the infant mortality target rate developed for Healthy People 2000 as the ―normal‖ infant mortality rate, risk was calculated as the percentage of deviation from the ―normal‖. A rate was also calculated to demonstrate the difference between black and white percent deviations from the ―normal‖. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the relationship between socioeconomic influences (Socioeconomic Disadvantage), social risk factors (Social Disorganization), and behavioral risk factors (Poor Behavioral Choices) using a latent variable approach based on a conceptual model which integrated the social determinants of health framework and conflict theory. iv In this study, an inverse association was found between socioeconomic disadvantage and infant mortality risk for black infants. This finding is contradictory to the expected finding and may have been due to multicollinearity or the operationalization of the endogenous study variable for black infant mortality risk. Thus, this study highlights the complexity of unraveling the interrelationship between social and economic risk factors. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of the latent variable approach in public health research as well as the need to broaden the approach to selecting indicators. This study concludes with specific policy recommendations aimed at improving the health outcomes of vulnerable populations using the social determinants of health framework
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